• How selective is SEAL?

    The primary criterion for accepting new members is commitment. In order to build a proper relationship with your buddy, you must be able to show up for them every week to build their reading skills and confidence. SEAL takes volunteers of all majors and years! We want as many members as possible in order to expand literacy throughout the Austin area.

  • How does transportation work?

    You can still volunteer if you don't have a car! We set up carpool groups for our volunteers, so members with cars drive groups of volunteers to our schools. Drivers are exempt from dues. We are eternally grateful for our drivers, as volunteering would not be possible without them!

  • What does volunteering look like?

    Volunteering consists of weekly slots that last around 2 hours total, with an hour allotted for transportation to and from schools. Schools are usually a 15 minute drive from campus. Groups vary in size from 4-15 volunteers. Reading buddies are usually one on one relationships.

  • What if I don't have any experience with kids?

    That's okay! Many of our volunteers had no prior experience tutoring or working with children. We will provide you with training to equip you to be an amazing Reading Buddy.

  • What if I want to join SEAL but can't make the available time slots?

    There are many ways to participate in SEAL aside from reading buddies! Committees help run our logistics, including marketing, organizing events, and fundraising. Additionally, we have service events outside of regular volunteering times that all members can sign up for, and an asynchronous Pen-Pal program in which volunteers write letters to their buddies.

  • Do I have to pay dues?

    SEAL members pay $35 every year to @SEALUT on Venmo. This money goes towards volunteer T-shirts, service events, and other organizational expenses. Drivers are exempt from dues. In order to keep SEAL accessible to all, we exempt members who are unable to pay due to their financial situations on a case-by-case basis.

  • What does SEAL do outside of volunteering?

    SEAL holds several socials throughout the semester! At socials, you can meet your fellow SEALs and hang out with us.

  • What is expected of me if I join?

    All members are expected to attend monthly general meetings, pay dues, and fulfill their commitments. Reading Buddies are expected to attend their volunteer sessions every week. Pen Pals are expected to write biweekly letters to their buddies. On the weeks you are not sending a letter, you will receive a letter from your buddy. Committee members are expected to attend regular meetings led by their directors and contribute to their committee's projects.

  • What leadership opportunities are available?

    SEAL is managed by an officer board. Whenever officer positions are available, all members can apply! Positions are shown under the Current Members tab.