Volunteer With SEAL at St. Edward’s

Students Expanding American Literacy (SEAL) pairs underserved elementary students with college-aged mentors to develop literacy and a love of learning. 

The SEAL chapter at St. Edward’s University (SEU) , registered as an official organization during the Fall semester of 2021. As a new club, we are so grateful for our 31 member volunteers! 

Thus far, we have two elementary schools that support our organization- Widen Elementary School and Dawson Elementary School. We are currently working towards collaborating with additional elementary schools in the South Austin area, and are so excited to begin our journey expanding literacy!

Volunteer Programs

SEAL SEU is partnered with a wonderful non-profit organization called Communities in Schools (CIS). Through this partnership, SEAL SEU volunteers participate in a program called Reading Buddies, in which one or two volunteers are paired with one 1st- 5th grade elementary student for the entire semester. 

Becoming a Volunteer

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please join our mailing list.

SEAL SEU is a semester-long commitment and we typically recruit during the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters.

One of the responses prompts you to give us your “Why.” At SEAL SEU, we believe in the importance of finding purpose through passion, and we are interested in knowing your reason behind making literacy accessible.