• Connect with Us!

    Our mailing list is our primary way of communicating with members. By joining, you’ll stay up-to-date on service events, socials, open officer positions, and other member-specific information! Just visit this link and we’ll add you to the list.

    Please also join our Groupme at this link to more easily connect to other SEAL members and reach out directly to officers for any questions or concerns. Additionally, you can find us on Instagram @seal_ut, where we post additional reminders for SEAL events!

  • Attend An Info Session!

    New members are REQUIRED to attend at least one info session in order to join SEAL. Info sessions typically last around 15-20 minutes and mainly serve to introduce applicants to our policies, application requirements, and general background.

    The schedule for info sessions can be found on our Instagram, our Google Calendar (in the “Current Members” tab on this website), and our mailing list! No worries if you missed all of our live sessions - you can still apply after watching a recorded session

  • Dues

    $35 dues are required per year for members and are paid to @SEALUT on Venmo. This helps us cover Lyft transportation if drivers are unavailable, t-shirts, organization fees, and others. However, if for any reason you cannot pay your dues, PLEASE tell us and we can waive dues based on circumstances. More specific information about dues can be found on the volunteer application.