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Serving the city of Austin since 2015,

Founded in 2015, the mission of Students Expanding American Literacy has held firm: Working with Communities in Schools to overcome educational disparities in the Austin area by volunteering at underprivileged schools. We aim to instill confidence, curiosity, a love for reading, and an appreciation for community service within our students. We do this by having our volunteers travel to local elementary schools and serving as mentors, tutors, and ultimately friends who help our kiddos fall in love with reading! 

Over the years, we have steadily grown as an organization - starting in 2015 with 30 volunteers, and now having over 150! Beyond volunteering, our organization helps members bond with one another through numerous events including socials, profit shares, general meetings, book clubs, SEAL circles, and many more! 

Our volunteers describe SEAL as an experience of continuous growth for both volunteers and SEAL buddies, with many stating that they "feel accomplished with every new word their reading buddy learns.” Our emphasis is on making the volunteering experience both impactful and convenient, with our volunteers reaching schools across the Austin area, but still easily fitting in 2-hour shifts with their carpool groups across college schedules. We strive to embody UT's motto that "what starts here, changes the world." 

seal ut volunteers in nature
seal ut volunteers in classroom